Product review: Window bird feeder

We have a large number of bird feeders including four different window bird feeders. This bird feeder one key feature that our feathered friends like. The birds love the little perch. In my video you can see how they use it to crack the seeds. We have another window bird feeder with a different style which does not have a perch and it was less popular until we glued a perch made out of a twig. As soon as we added this twig the bird feeder became more popular.

This a pretty large (wide) bird feeder. Several birds can visit it at the same time. Many birds do not mind sharing. Some do, and it is fun to watch the bully birds that make other birds leave - I captured one of these episodes in the attached video.

The big size of the bird feeder makes it very comfortable for squirrels to feed from it as well. As you see in attached video, it is big enough to hold two squirrels. The suction cups hold really well, as they are able to hold not only two birds but two squirrels. Squirrels are very clever they manage to get food out any bird feeders even the ones that are designed to keep them out, they always find a way. The one that close under their weight, for example, the learned to shake to get the seeds out. These window birders are very easy for them to get into. We just accepted this and feed all creatures that visit us. Spoiler: watch out for the squirrel jumping from the bird feeder onto the camera, she will be coming straight at you. Those little surprises are always fun to find in the video!

This bird feeder is 12" wide, 5.5" tall, and 4" front to back. The bird feeder is held by three suction cups. They provide sufficient suction power to hold the feeder, the seeds, and the birds. The installation instruction recommend cleaning the window and rubbing the suction cups with your fingers to deposit some oil on the cups for a better hold. Our old bird feeders of similar style have not fallen off once (in more than one year) even when squirrels visit it. The feeding tray of this birder is removable, which is useful for cleaning. It also has a little water tray, which does not seem to get used for drinking, I have not seen any of the birds drinking from it in the video. At the end of the day it gets filled with seeds - these guys are messy eaters.

Does the rain get into it? Yes. But the birds do not seem to mind. They are used to wet seeds on the trees.

What fun to see the birds so up close! If this is your first bird feeder it will likely that the birds will take a week to find it. For the first window bird feeder nothing happened for entire week, and then after a week my husband spread some seeds under the bird feeder and that seemed to help the birds find it. Now that we have a couple of window bird feeders it did not take them long to find the new one. The bird's favorite seeds are sunflower seeds. We spoiled the local bird population with sunflower seeds and if we put out the mixed seeds it barely gets touched where as the sunflower seeds disappear very quickly.

It looks to me that both the birds and the squirrels are giving it 5 stars as we need to refill it every day.

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

Product review ★★★★★
