Food review: Cha Wu Grade A Dragon Ball Jasmine Pearls Tea

This Jasmine tea comes as pearls - tightly rolled pea size balls.  It has a very lovely Jasmine flavor.  I have tried a number of different Jasmine teas in the past and this one tasted a little different to me - the taste is more round and sligtly sweet.  It leaves a very pleasant taste in my mouse once I swallow.

I like drinking it cold with lemon on hot days. It is probably not the traditional way to drink it, but it is very refreshing this way.

There is no one world wide standard system for grading tea, the grading system used for this tea is called Cha Wu Grading and it ranges from D (lowest quality) to SS (highest quality).  This is the order from low to high: D, C, B, A, AA, S, SS.  I got the Grade A.

This loose teas come in vacuum packed foil lined bag with a lock at the top (similar to coffee pack bags).  I use an electric kettle that lets me select the temperature and I use 90℃ (slight below boiling) and steep for several minutes. The resulting tea has a light golden color as you see in the attached photos.

You can find it on Amazon by following this link.

Product review ★★★★★
