Product review: Gvode Flex Edge Beater for KitchenAid Tilt-Head Stand Mixer 4.5 and 5 Quart
Before I got Flex Edge Beater attachment, we were using the whisk attachment for KitchenAid to make pudding and waffles. My husband was skeptical that it would make a difference, but we were both surprised - it made a noticeable difference! In attached video you see pudding and waffles being made with the Flex Edge attachment. The pudding came out much creamier and than waffles batter was much smoother. The Flex Edge Beater fit perfectly and when it works it scrapes everything from the side, incorporating everything into the batter. With a whisk attachment I need to use spatula to scrape the sides, with a Flex Edge Beater is not necessary.
Waffles are my husband's specialty on Sundays, so I can this will be a permanent change!
You can find it on Amazon by following this link.
Product review ★★★★★
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